Sunday, November 4, 2007

Are You In The Present?

Did you know that it has been said that most individuals only spend 1% of their life focusing in the present? Most people do not focus on their current tasks and activities. They are thinking about their past; the fight they had last night with their significant other, the children’s soccer game after work, the weekend plans, etc. They do not allow and demand of themselves to actually fully be and act in the present. Did you know that it has been said that only 2% of the population actually thinks creatively? In addition, 3% of individuals think that they think, and 95% of the population would rather die than think? Since thought has been linked to results and understanding that mental activity does not constitute as thinking, this means only a small percentage of the population really understand and uses the power of creative thinking to fast forward to their goals and realize their ideals. These are the people that are extremely successful, they choose their results. and

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