Thursday, November 8, 2007

Creative Decision Making

Creative Decision Making
Creativity is a trait everyone is born with, but not all of us use it or feel we have it. Creative power is power seeking further self expression or advancement, a higher level of function of an activity, skill or experience. This creative power is evident in children as they play make-believe and invent their own realities and games, create imaginary friends or places or adventures. Sadly, some how along the way, we tend to lose this creative capacity and replace it with conditioning of rigid rules and guidelines from our parents, schools, organizations and society. But it is this imagination, this imagined reality that allows us all to explore our world and our opportunities; it is this creative power that once we learn to apply it, it can be used to create our own results. We can channel it to create new conditions, circumstances and environments, those situations that we have imagined, can become our reality. Becoming comfortable with your own creative power and unleashing the creative power inside of you is in part a learned process and part of learning how to choose your results. It is developed as we begin to see and understand that out of creative thinking, we can explore, imagine, create and manifest results and outcomes, possibility and solutions, that were not evident before. That is when the real magic begins.

Opening up to creative thinking and creative powers allow you to see possibilities, opportunities and answers, rather than just “the” answer. It is a knowing that anything is possible, and that there may be multiple possibilities, we just need to open ourselves up to that belief. Holding the feeling tone of possibility and holding a knowing of infinite possibility is a choice, a matter of perspective. Sometimes it is just a result of increased awareness. Creativity and creative power is an ability, or aptitude to imagine or invent something new, something that is new and different from past experience, but that often comes out of past experience. Using creative powers to choose your results involves a combination of aptitude, attitude and action.

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