Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Random Act of Kindness: It is Contagious

Random Act of kindness,

To me one of the most powerful aspects of this universe that is based on energy and attraction is the power of random acts of kindness. Just watch how contagious and powerful a random act of kindness can be and see how it transcends any and all negativity in your life in that moment and makes you feel better. It can literally expand across the state, country and globe in a very short time.

We all know this, yet rarely do we actually perform random acts of kindness, these acts can be simple: buy and give a flower to your cashier at the grocery store, run errands for someone who has can use some help, call a friend you have not spoken to in awhile, pick up litter, buy a book for a friend who is struggling, give smiles away, donate your time or money to a worthy cause.

Today, I went through a toll on the interstate and paid the toll for the three cars that followed behind me. Complete strangers. I told the toll attendant that I wanted to give them each a brighter day.

Endeavor to participate in this positive energy and do an act of kindness to someone you know, a patient, a friend or complete stranger. Share it here and watch how the energy grows.

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