Friday, November 2, 2007

ABC's of an Abundant Attitude

The ABC’s of An Abundant Attitude
Our attitudes are a collection of our thoughts, feeling and actions. In order to have an abundant attitude, one that is focused on the infinite abundance around us, one must be congruent and positively focused in all three aspects of our attitudes. We must live with abundant thoughts, abundant feelings and abundant actions. When we live with an abundant attitude, we become better attractors. We become unstoppable. We tap into the infinite power via the law of attraction. We succeed, we grow, we expand our awareness.

I have created my ABC list of living with an abundant attitude. Create your own, post it here, read it daily and see how you will increase your ability to attract good things to you and achieve your goals and dreams at an accelerated rate.

A: Avoid negative thoughts, feelings, people and actions.
B: Believe in yourself and in your dreams.
C: Consider things from every perspective.
D: Do not give up. Do not give in.
E: Endeavor to live your dream life.
F: Focus on your goals and your plans.
G: Give back. Give willingly. Give thanks.
H: Hold your dreams in your mind.
I: Inspire your actions.
J: Just do it.
K: Keep moving forward, always advancing.
L: Love yourself first and foremost.
M: Make things happen, act with purpose.
N: Never act without integrity.
O: Open your heart, it only opens from the inside.
P: Practice with discipline. Make good habits.
Q: Quitters never win, winners never quit.
R: Read, study, learn new ideas and concepts that are in alignment with your values.
S: Stop procrastination and act today.
T: Take control of your life and destiny, act from the inside out, not the outside in.
U: Understand yourself and others and practice allowance.
V: Visualize your dreams and goals.
W: Want it more than anything, feed your desires.
X: Xcellerate your efforts, be efficient. (ok, I cheated a bit here!)
Y: You are unique and special, know that you have much to contribute, ignore the desire to compete.
Z: Zero in on your target, focus on your goals. Enjoy your abundant attitude, your acquired abundance and your fuller life. Share this article, an abundant attitude is a contagious one!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nicole Matoushek, MPH, PT
Author of “Acquired Hope: A Journey of Advanced Recovery and Empowerment” and “365 Days of Abundant Hope” Http://

Inspired and advancing life goals and success with: Http://

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