Thursday, November 8, 2007

Limitations and Choosing Your Results

When working through an issue, an effective way of achieving the results you want comes from breaking down and exploring the various types of limitations we encounter and developing an action plan to overcome the limitation to achieve success.

Control limitations: Determine the amount of direct control you have over the situation or issue. Limitations are typically related to levels of knowledge, skill, awareness, role responsibility or authority. By exploring your limitations you can take effective action in order to gain confidence, wisdom or divert to the appropriate person with the authority or in the appropriate role. Work in cooperation with these parties in order to secure the results you choose.

Total Value Limitations: Determine if it is a fight worth taking on. You may find yourself in a situation where you have enough control or authority to effect a change, but you realize the gain will not be worth the effort, time, money or energy of making the decision. This involves management of the three critical resources of time, money and energy. In the end the gain has to be worth more than the risk associated with making the change.

Acceptance Limitations: Determine if it is a situation that you are in alignment with, evaluate your emotional responses and feeling toward the direction of the result. If you can live with the situation, move on. Acceptance is not always agreement, but a decision and choice to live with a disagreeable situation that is beyond your control. The secret in choosing your results also involves identifying situations in which you may be agreeable to disagree and live in the choice of disagreeing when the situation is out of your control.

Once you have explored these factors, you can determine an appropriate response to the situation. In order to choose your results when facing an uncomfortable issue or circumstance evaluate the most appropriate response from below.

Look for a different perspective: There may be conditions or understandings that are influencing the outcomes which are currently beyond your level of knowledge or awareness. This may involve a paradigm shift and going through the terror barrier.

Influence a different outcome: You may be in a position to influence key decision makers into making a change and adopting your beliefs. Practice the art of persuasion, know what outcome you desire and work from the end.

Accept what cannot be changed: You may not have enough direct control over the outcomes when faced with issues where you lack the full authority or responsibility or control, the best result is to make peace with the situation and agree to disagree or accept the outcome. You are choosing peace with the results.

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