Thursday, November 6, 2008

Finally--How the Law of Attraction Really Works: Here is the Real Secret

"Regardless of your particular spiritual or religious background, for most of us it is undeniable common sense that somehow, in some way, everything is connected with everything else - that there is a powerful source in the Universe from which everything flows. Your key to manifesting your desires in your life is learning how to effectively connect to and harness this incredible power and put it to work for you.

Everything in the Universe is composed of Energy of one form or another, including your thoughts. According to the discoveries in Quantum Physics, all forms of matter and energy are attracted to that which is of a like vibration. As it applies to the Law of Attraction, you attract what you put your energy and focus on, consciously or unconsciously - whether wanted or unwanted. As you'll learn, it's a bit more involved than that - but that's the basic idea.

"Within each life lies the cause of whatever enters it."-- F.W. Sears, How to Attract Success, 1914

You see, it's been scientifically proven that thoughts are energy. They can actually be measured. I'm sure you've seen pictures of people with all of those electrodes hooked up to their heads.
Because everything in the Universe iis composed of energy, and is therefore connected, each thought that you have has a direct effect on your physical reality. You may find this concept hard to accept at first, especially if it is new to you. Most of us go through our lives feeling as if we are at the mercy of external events – we believe that things ‘happen to us.’ We find ourselves in situations not of our own choosing, people treat us unfairly, or life itself treats us unfairly. But what I have come to believe, to know really, is that things don’t just happen to us - WE ATTRACT THEM.

Virtually every event and every aspect of our lives, whether we consider it good or bad, is exactly what we have (either consciously or unconsciously) directed the Universe to bring into our lives. What ‘happens’ to us is the direct result of and the manifestation of what we focus on.
The problem is, for most of us, we are continually using The Law of Attraction to bring into our lives more of the things we don't want, instead of the things we do want. This is because most people do not understand how to effectively and correctly harness this powerful force.

For example, say you really want to get out of debt. You may spend your time dwelling on how large your bills are, how much money you owe - you may even think to yourself, "I am going to get out of debt," or say a prayer asking God to help you find a way to pay off your bills.

The problem with this is that you are still focused on your 'lack' of what you really want. You are focused on your debt - on your pile of bills. What the Law of Attraction does in this case is simply deliver to you or perpetuate more of what you are focusing on - debt and bills. The key is to learn specific techniqes to change your focus to what you really DO want, not what you don't want. It can be a difficult task, changing your thinking. But I have devised a step-by-step system that teaches you EXACTLY how to do this with ease!

The Law of Attraction is perhaps one of the most difficult life principles to accept, because by doing so you are accepting that you are truly in control of your life – that where you are right now, your life experience, is the direct result of your own thoughts and actions. You are accepting full responsibility for your life.

It’s not your parents’ fault, it’s not “luck” and it’s not “fate.” We each make a choice at every moment of every day what we will attract or allow into our lives. Where you are right now is not necessarily good or bad - it just is. The Universe doesn’t have an opinion on what you choose to draw into your life. It simply delivers to you what you consciously or unconsciously focus on with strong emotion and intense belief - ALWAYS, EVERY TIME.

"Spirit is substance which forms itself according to your demands, and must have a pattern from which to work. A pan of dough is as willing to be formed into bread as biscuit. It makes little difference to Spirit what we demand."- Frances Larimer Warner,Our Invisible Supply: Part One, 1907

The exciting thing is that once you learn how to do this - how to use The Law of Attraction effectively in your life - your life will change DRAMATICALLY and INSTANTLY"

Excerpt from the 6-Week Life Makeover Program, it is terrific! Read more: 6-Week Life Make Over Program

1 comment:

Nancy from said...

HI Guys,
Nice summary. I wonder if your readers would like to read some of the originators of this theory, and to see some videos of cutting edge science that backs it up?

Thanks again,