Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What I Forgot The Day I Was Born--NEW Book Available NOW

Learning about the Spiritual Laws is critical to self-discovery, enlightenment and the deliberate creation process!Upon being born into the physical realm, we relinquish the real essence of who we are and of our true potential. Brilliantly written, this highly-enlightening book, "What I Forgot the Day I Was Born" (See this link: What I Forgot the Day I Was Born) is crafted to help readers remember the truth that indicates we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. This book explains the essence and the importance of the Spiritual Laws.This unique book delivers spiritual insights that will dramatically and magnificently improve your circumstances. You will learn how to use the power of the mind to your advantage, how to automatically attract new results by releasing your limiting beliefs, witness scientific proof that our outside world is created from our inside world, and learn the seven levels of conscious awareness and why less than 20% of people transgress beyond level three.
Additionally, you will know how to master the 20 Spiritual and Universal Laws, including the Law of Attraction; through which, you will understand that your results will remain mediocre until you live in harmony with each Universal Law. You will also learn the four ways to super size your results with the 10-step deliberate creation process, and get to know specific techniques to manifest perfect health, abundant wealth and meaningful relationships into your life experience.Readers are in for one unforgettable awakening experience as they rediscover their own essence and their ability to create the life they would just usually dream of. Are you ready for a trip down the rabbit hole to create new and glorious results!
To learn more about each of the 20 Spiritual Laws simply click here: What I Forgot the Day I Was Born

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